
Vitamins In Your Diet, Vitamin C

We all know that if you want to lose weight the most important thing to watch is your diet and what you eat. But, the vitamins in your diet also play an important part in your health. Everybody has probably looked at one of those tags on any package of food we purchase. They are on all foods except fresh fruits and vegetables and contain information about what's in your food and percentage of the amount you should have daily.

Vitamins in your diet help you to stay healthy in many ways and they also help you to lose weight. There are Vitamins that help you to have healthy eyes, healthy bones, healthy skin and many other benefits. Here are just a few examples of how Vitamins affect your health. Let's start with one that most of you know, Vitamin C. Vitamin C is found in many fruits and Vegetables. A good source of Vitamin C is fruit and vegetables such as citrus fruits, leafy green vegetables, broccoli, cauliflower, strawberries. I bet most people didn't know that you could get Vitamin C from Broccoli. When I ask people what foods or drinks they think provide vitamin C, the first response is oranges and orange juice.

Vitamin C is an antioxidant. An antioxidant is a nutrient that fights off something called a free radical. Are you still following? What I'm getting to when talking about Vitamin C and all other vitamins is that they are a necessary part of our diet. Vitamins in your diet are as important as oxygen in our atmosphere. Without it we'd just collapse and wither away. Back to Vitamin C, antioxidants and free radicals.

Free Radicals are things that are produced when our body is trying to turn the food we eat into the energy we need in our daily activities. Anyone know what free radicals can do? Not too many good things. They are responsible for how our body behaves as we get older. These free radicals build up in our body over time and cause and are a big reason for cancer, problems with our heart and problems with our joints. In short, free radicals are not good. The good news is that Vitamin C is an antioxidant which helps us to fight off free radicals. I picture it like this; imagine your body is having a snowball battle with the abominable snowman (free radicals). You throw the snowballs (oranges-antioxidants) at the abominable snowman (free radicals) to keep him from getting to you. Your body uses antioxidants to protect itself from free radicals.

Vitamins in your diet contribute to healthy weight loss in many ways. Remember that I said that vitamin C helps your body to turn food into energy. The more you take in of the recommended daily amount of Vitamin C, the more energy you will have. Doesn't that make sense. Think of it this way too. If you don't get sufficient vitamin C in your diet, it's not there to help turn your food into energy and that causes you to gain weight. Do you think maybe having Vitamins in your diet is a good thing. I'm thinking yes.

Vitamins in your diet are an important part of healthy weight loss. Vitamin C is an especially helpful Vitamin. So start your day off with some orange juice or a grapefruit tomorrow morning. It's your body, take care of it.

Jerry Steege

I'm an aspiring writer who is using looking to help people while I continue to improve my writing skills. I love writing and expressing myself on paper, or the computer in this forum. If you would like to learn more about vitamins in your diet, dieting, and healthy weight loss please visit my site [http://losingweightwithjerry.com/vitamins-in-your-diet-the-abcs-of-vitamins] to get get started with your healthier lifestyle today.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jerry_Steege

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