
Tips For Fasting Success

Whether you want fast for weight loss, body detox or spirituality, there are some important factors you'll want to consider to ensure success. When fasting is done properly, its effect on the mind, body and spirit can be truly astounding... life changing.

The eyes become clear and bright, vital organs as the heart, liver and kidneys are renewed and - if sick - one can find relief and even total healing. Skin develops an amazing shine that makes one look years younger.

You will think much more clearly, have more energy and sleep like a newborn. Not to mention that you will have a substantial amount of weight.

These are all good things, right? Indeed, they are! Let's look at some tips to keep in mind to make sure that all goes as planned. My number one tip for fasting success is this: Find a time and day to fast when your daily schedule is "the least" hectic. Stress and a noisy, chaotic environment will keep you from focusing on the fast and could cause you to stumble.

Fasting for weight loss is primarily a "mind game." If you're being bombarded with a million things going on, then the mind can more easily "convince you" to break the fast. This has happened to me many times. Let me clarify: I am NOT saying that you need to have TOTAL silence or go to a monastery to fast. That is not realistic.

We all have our daily schedules to keep with our jobs, families etc...What I AM saying is that - of all the days of the week- pick the one that is the least hectic. Even if your schedule is fierce and demanding, I am sure that you can pinpoint "one day" when things are somewhat quieter. Pick that one!

Here's another fasting tip: Don't create unrealistic goals for yourself. In other words, if you are new to fasting, wanting to go from ten years of junk food to 40 day of water fasting may be a touch much. If you do that, it will only set you up for disappointment if you do not reach the mark. Then the mind will step in with: "you see, this fasting stuff is garbage! Forget about it!"

I always like to say: "Slow is Fast." If you start slow with short and easier fasts, then you can build a foundation of success from which you can expand. The turtle won the race, remember? A better plan would be one that allows fruit and veggie juices. As long as you're ingesting something, you won't be as apt to be overwhelmed by hunger and detox symptoms.

Another tip: Loose lips, sink ships. Fasting is the height of ascetic deprivation for some - and a new-found friend for others. If you tell friends and family about your plans to fast, some will applaud and cheer you on. However, others many not be so understanding. They may warn you that "you'll become ill if you fast." That you will "starve." Or they may simply be skeptical and tell you that you are being "an extremist," that fasting "does not work."

Therefore, only disclose your plans to fast to those that need to know... period. Do not shout it from the rooftops. If you have an understanding "best friend," tell him or her. But abstain from telling anyone that you think may have negative things to say.

I'm not saying that we are made of glass and cannot handle some debate. But let's debate AFTER the fast. Before and during the fast are NOT the times to have people around you who are not supportive.

A few more tips: Prepare your body for the fasting process by cutting down on the amount of calories you consume. If you're used to eating lots of fast foods, carbohydrates and sugar-laden foods, cut them drastically before the fast. Your body will be more ready to accept the nutrients and vitamins contained in your new diet.

Also, avoid caffeine, alcohol and nicotine. If you follow this "cleansing diet," you also will have less detox symptoms to deal with. Trust me, detoxification is no fun. Make it as easy as possibly for yourself and follow this cleanse at least SEVEN days before you start fasting. You'll be very happy that you did!

You'll need a good juicer for a juice fast. If you are planning to use your juicer, I recommend that you utilize a recipe comprised of MORE veggies than fruit. Even the natural sugar from fruit can increase hunger pains and extend detox symptoms. So add fruit, but make sure to mix in a healthy amount of veggies as well.
The most important of these fasting tips is: see your health care provider for a complete checkup before you start. Fasting, especially at first, can be harsh because toxins hiding in different parts of the body are released into the blood stream.

This causes what can often be very uncomfortable detoxification symptoms. You may feel like you have a flu. If you already have a health problem, such as diabetes, it's even more important for you to have a checkup before beginning to fast.

Robert Dave Johnston is author of FastingOlogy, a 9-month fasting for weight loss and detoxification program. He is a fasting coach and webmaster of FitnessThroughFasting.com.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Robert_Dave_Johnston

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