
Important Things To Do Before And After Rubbing On Sun Labs Dark Sunsation Lotion

By Haywood Hunter

Many people who are into indoor tanning trust Sun Labs Dark Sunsation. The product is perfect for light-skinned individuals who want to darken their complexion. It is also suited for those with olive skin tone but want to intensify it.

Just the right amount of DHA is found on Sun Labs Dark Sunsation lotion. A chemical capable of simulating a real suntan, DHA gives you a sun-kissed glow that can grab lots of attention. It's about 3 hours after the application that DHA produces a visible effect. The bronze shade will further intensify after 24 to 72 hours had passed.

You have to carry out certain tasks before the Sun Labs Dark Sunsation application as well as after the effect shows up. Doing them ensures that you enjoy nothing but a bronzed complexion that looks so real. What's more, these things make the fabulous color created by Sun Labs Dark Sunsation tanning solution to last for about an entire week, slowly fading.

Prior to rubbing on the contents of your Sun Labs Dark Sunsation bottle, prepare the skin. Exfoliate while showering to get rid of those excess dead cells. DHA darkens the dead cells found on the skin's topmost layer. In order for this sugar-based chemical to create a dazzling brown hue that's smooth and realistic, it has to be applied on an even layer of dead skin cells.

Using Sun Labs Dark Sunsation lotion on unshaven skin is a bad idea. The solution is likely to gather around hair strands and this may lead to an outcome with visible blotches. On the same day that you are intending to grab that bottle of Sun Labs Dark Sunsation, shave the skin. This also provides additional exfoliating benefit for an impressive fake suntan.

Thoroughly dry the skin prior to applying Sun Labs Dark Sunsation. Refrain from using cosmetic products beforehand because the chemicals in them may prevent DHA from providing you with the most impressive results. However, do apply a little amount of your favorite moisturizer on your knees as well as on the elbows. This has a weakening effect on DHA so the involved areas won't end up darker than the rest. Don a pair of gloves (plastic or latex) to avoid having stained palms later on.

Before you get dressed, make sure that your Sun Labs Dark Sunsation lotion is completely dry. Refrain from showering for the next 6 to 8 hours. You also might want to avoid doing activities that cause you to sweat to ensure nothing ruins DHA.

The moment the effect of Sun Labs Dark Sunsation shows up, regularly apply your favorite hand and body lotion. Keeping the skin moisturized allows you to enjoy the fake suntan for as long as one week. It's important to protect yourself from those harmful UV rays. Whenever you have to head out during the day, remember to liberally apply sunscreen with a rating of at least SPF 15.

When the color produced by Sun Labs Dark Sunsation starts to fade, exfoliate in the shower once more. This helps even out the tan as it gradually lightens. Because the tanner is gentle on the skin, you may reapply it to intensify the fake suntan.

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