
To Find Surgeons In Lap Band Surgery Houston Should Be Prioritized

By Peter Wright

Weight management options are being invented and perfected everyday as obesity continues to affect quality of life around the world. Surgery has come up as one of the major ways that can be used to manage weight appropriately. Lap band surgery uses laparoscopic adjustable gastric band to reduce weight. Other names for these bands are LAGB, A band, and lap-band while gastric banding is the other name for this surgical procedure. To find professionals in lap band surgery Houston offers a recommendable location to visit.

LAGB is made of silicone and capable of being inflated with saline solution. Its work is to reduce the capacity of the stomach when it is inserted on it. When the capacity of the stomach is reduced, one can only eat a limited amount of food. This reduces obesity. The stomach feels full after taking a light meal.

The operation requires the surgeon to make several incisions in the stomach to place a camera and small surgical tools through. The upper portion of the stomach is then wrapped with the LAGB to form a ring. The ring has a thin tube attached to it. The tube leads to an access port left under the skin. This access port helps the surgeon to add or reduce the amount of saline in the LAGB.

Addition of saline into the LAGB makes it tight, reducing stomach size. The ring can be loosened if it is too tight by drawing saline through the tube. When surgery is being done, the ring is usually left un-inflated. Inflation with saline is only done after the patient full recovers from surgery. Full recovery takes between 4 and 6 weeks.

The surgery requires administration of a local anesthesia. Pain medicine should be used after surgery to avoid soreness and abdominal pain. Remaining active helps with the healing process. An x-ray is often taken one day after surgery to confirm if everything is fine.

The doctor provides instructions to the patient about what to eat and what to avoid. One is encouraged to take liquids only for the first two weeks of the operation. One should drink a lot of water frequently to avoid dehydration. Solid food should be added into the diet bit by bit. Food should be chewed well before swallowing. Also, one should stop eating the minute they feel full.

Nausea and abdominal discomfort usually occur when one eats too much. The loss of weight is usually gradual but very steady. Regular medical checkups are necessary to ensure that everything is working fine. The LAGB should be adjusted if the loss in weight is not happening as expected. Some people continue to lose weight even after three year after the operation.

After the surgery, people experience a wide range of emotions. The steady loss of weight brings happiness and excitement in most people. However, the need to change diet and lifestyle often causes frustration. Any concerns one may have should be discussed with the doctor.

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