
Women Benefit From Feminine Herbal Supplements

By Deborah Morris

Women are blessed to have many natural remedies for what ails them. This is especially important since most medical research has been done on men. Even though doctors pay more attention to women's health now, there's a huge demand for alternative ways to maintain health and restore balance. Smart women all over the world are using feminine herbal supplements for common health issues.

Physical well-being and emotional stability depend on a healthy endocrine system. This is the network of glands that produce hormones in the human body. Hormones regulate every metabolic process and every stage of life from birth on: growth and development, puberty, reproduction, and menopause. The smooth transition from one stage to the next can be disrupted if hormones are out of balance. Imbalances can be caused by glandular disorders, improper diet, deficiencies, stress overload, environmental pollutants, and emotional or physical trauma.

Since the dawn of time, people have relied on plants for healing. Some of the earliest historical documents concern herbal medicine. As modern research has proved, 'old wive's tales' are often true. As cultures intermingle, more valuable healing plants become available. There is so much knowledge it may seem overwhelming, but there's no need to try it all. Find an herbal remedy that works for you and stick with it. Fortunately, the safety of herbs properly used is so great that it doesn't hurt to experiment. Read up on herbal supplements and then try one in a tea, a tincture, a capsule, or an oil.

Some herbs are helpful all through a woman's like, from puberty to post-menopause. Vitex is one; it eases menstrual pain, boost fertility, and moderates such menopausal symptoms as hot flashes and night sweats. Red raspberry leaves are known as a pregnancy tonic, but they also help prevent uterine prolapse in the elderly. Dandelion, nettle, hawthorn, and oat straw nourish and strengthen the entire body.

Menstruation is a natural function of the female body, but it can be so out of balance that it used to be called 'the curse'. Licorice regulates the cycle, lady's mantle and cayenne help curb excessive bleeding, ginger and black cohosh help with pain. Many more herbs help with PMS symptoms.

During pregnancy, ginger and wild yam are used for morning sickness. Nettle, red raspberry, and dandelion nourish mother and baby. Not yet pregnant? Maca, vitex, and lady's mantle are said to boost fertility. Dandelion and milk thistle are especially good for the liver, which produces hormones important for conception.

One of the most common complaints of women today is fatigue. The demands of work, home, and family are hard enough without feeling tired all the time. Blue vervain and licorice root have long been used for energy. Maca, a South American root, has achieved fad status in recent years as people discover its energizing properties. Depression and mood swings, which sap energy, can be tempered with schizandra, hawthorn, and evening primrose oil.

Menopausal symptoms - hot flashes, night sweats, emotional instability, weight gain, skin problems - have perhaps made more herbs famous than any other complaint. Fortunately, herbs can bring real relief. Sage, Asian ginseng, vitex, dong quai, wild yam, and black cohosh are used by million of women all around the world. Maca, soy, and motherwort can also help ease women through this transition.

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