
Here Are Some Powerful And Side Effect Free Herbology Remedies For Stress

By Elizabeth Bell

It's perfectly fine to be stressed every now and then especially if your days are very busy ones. However, it's not okay that you have high levels of stress constantly. According to health authorities, that's something that can greatly endanger your health. Uncontrolled stress in the long run can increase your risk of developing serious problems such as diabetes, obesity, heart disease and even cancer. It's for this reason exactly why you should dodge as many stressors as you can and engage in stress busting activities, too. There are also a number of herbology remedies for stress that you may try, and some of the best ones can be found below.

Calm your nerves with chamomile. A very popular and easily accessible herbal solution for stress is chamomile. More often than not, it is consumed in tea form. Although it has sleep inducing properties, there's no problem if you decide to take it in the middle of a stressful day. Many with mild insomnia take it at night to help them fall asleep.

Relax while maintaining alertness with green tea. If you need to stay wide awake, brew yourself a cup of green tea. What's so amazing about this healthy beverage is it encourages relaxation of the mind without causing sleepiness. Sadly, green tea has caffeine in it, although in small amounts only. Taking it may not be the best way to deal with stress for individuals with caffeine sensitivity.

Consume lemon balm to calm down. You can attain utmost relaxation and still remain attentive with the help of lemon balm tea. For dealing with insomnia, it is usually combined by tea manufacturers with other calming herbs. Refrain from brewing and drinking several cups of it per day because scientists say that it may actually leave you feeling anxious.

Take it easy with lavender. A lot of really stressed people rely on lavender which can be utilized in different ways. It may be taken in capsules or brewed into tea. Some choose to employ this stress relieving herb in essential oil form. You may place a few drops of it on your pillow or add some of it to your bathwater or favorite massage oil.

Get a good night's sleep with valerian. Before you hop into bed, you may pop a valerian capsule in your mouth. This herbal supplement is a powerful sleep aid, allowing you to obtain some restorative shut eye without any problem. Remember to avoid taking valerian during the day as you will surely end up snoring rather than working.

Reduce both stress and anxiety with kava. More often than not, stress brings about anxious thoughts, too. This is when the intake of kava tablet or capsule can come to the rescue. The herb is scientifically proven to loosen tight muscles due to stress and also relax a restless mind due to anxiety.

Make sure that you inform your doctor about your plan on taking any kind of herb. This is most especially true if you have a medical condition or are pregnant. It's best to use herbal remedies under the direct supervision of an herbalist.

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