
Do You Need To Lose 10 Pounds?

More and more people are becoming obese, and are dealing with serious weight problems, but there are many people who are reasonably healthy, who would like to lose 10 pounds. These pounds were probably gained slowly, after a few holiday meals, and with a less active lifestyle, the weight stayed.

Losing those 10 pounds will not be that hard if you do some of the following tips.

Find a time when you are basically satisfied with your life, and are motivated to lose the weight. If you try losing weight when you might be distracted by other disappointing things in your life, the tendency is to give up.

Gaining weight usually happens when you eat too much of the wrong foods. The best solution is not to go on some fad, crash diet, but to just change your eating habits to balance your diet. Starving is not the answer, but cutting back on your fat calories, and eating more fruits and vegetables will not only make you feel better, but will also cause the weight loss that you want.

Eat out less, and try new things to get a bigger variety of foods. So much of junk food eating is a matter of habits. Change the way you do things. If you snack while watching TV, find something to do other than watching TV. Become more active, go for walks, or ride a bike.

When you get started, you need to keep track of your progress, write down exactly what foods you are eating, and how much. That way you will know how many calories you are burning. To burn more calories, add in some exercise, like doing more walking.

When you realize that losing weight is not as hard as keeping the weight off, then maybe you will realize that you need a long range goal of having a healthier way of eating for the rest of your life. How many people do a good job of losing weight, but then go right back to doing what caused them to gain weight in the first place?

What kind of accomplishment is that? You might as well not waste the effort to start with.

It is always easier to make a lifestyle change with the help and support of others. Who wants to be the only one in the group who wants to eat differently? Have a realistic plan, and stick with it for the long run.
Quick weight loss usually only means quick weight gain when you stop your program. A long term goal works for better success.

Anyone can lose weight if that is what they really want to do.

Are you interested in living a healthier lifestyle? Our Natural Health Site [http://ournaturalhealthsite.com] is here to provide helpful information for anyone wanting a better life. It is never too late to be interested in your health: [http://ournaturalhealthsite.com]

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Rick_Carpenter

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