
Natural Dieting Tips

People that are obese or even moderately overweight are always looking for the magic pill of weight loss. People overweight will try almost anything before they will diet. Dieting is not hard but it is not easy and if you can find something easy that works you are going to try it. Unfortunately if these products worked as good as they say it will the world would be much slimmer than it is.

A couple of the more common weight loss tips are drinking large quantities of water and having five to six meals a day rather than the three we are used to. These tips along with a few more will help you lose weight naturally without gimmicks. These tips use your body's natural processes which most people over time have forgotten or never used to help you eat properly and lose weight.

A simple way to eat less and enjoy the food you eat is to chew your food for 30 seconds per mouthful. Yes slowing down the intake and chewing the food more will allow you to enjoy the food and help your stomach digest the food. The slowing down of eating allows the food to be mixed better and allow for better digestion and enjoyment of food. By slowing down your chewing you will enjoy what you are eating and eat less.

Initially you may need to time yourself until you get into the habit of eating slowly and adjust to the longer time to eat. When you eat have a glass of water with you and drink between chewing and savor the food you are eating. The stomach does not know the difference between water and food. The need to rush through eating will only stimulate the hunger center as your body does not realize the volume you have eaten just that you have not been eating for any length of time.

You have heard the saying your eyes are bigger than your stomach? This usually happens not because of the amount you eat but how fast you are trying to eat the food. Your eyes get the juices flowing and start to crank up your sense of smell and the stomach juices. Now you wolf down the food and all your stomach knows is that there should be more food for the amount of acid being produced so it signals the brain to increase the hunger pangs. By chewing your food slowly the stomach will secrete the correct amount of acid for the amount of food you are eating,

The dieting process can be enhanced also by eating fiber rich foods. These foods will help you feel full and the feeling will last longer, keeping you from overeating. Fiber rich foods will also help the digestion process work more efficiently. Fiber is a unique substance and is great for digestion. Most fiber is from plant and cannot be digested by your body. As it helps your body digests foods, fat molecules will attach themselves to the fiber and continue through the body to be sent out with the other waste products. The fiber will also help clean up the intestines and take out many harmful deposits that would otherwise lie in the intestines. Foods such as bran, beans, potatoes, figs, strawberries, apples, nuts, chickpeas, and brown rice are all very high in fiber.

These two tips along with a good diet that fits your lifestyle and exercise will go a long way towards your final goal of a healthy and enjoyable life. Take the steps necessary to lose the excess fat and enjoy your life and with the healthier diet you will be able to have those unhealthy desserts on occasion and it will not affect you but you need to choose the correct diet and get yourself in shape.

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Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=John_Bito

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