
Exercise Mistakes You Could Be Making

So many people start an exercise program and become frustrated when they do not see noticeable improvements in their body. They may have even been training for years and may have seen some progress at the start but that has long since stopped. There are some workout mistakes that will hinder progress so let us take a look at them.

Mistake number one - Choosing to do 'cardio' activity instead of strength training. People can gravitate to low intensity, long duration exercise because it is 'easy' or they think that they will become 'bulky' when their muscle tissue becomes more toned.

The reality is that 'cardio' type activity will never give you the lean, strong, toned body you would love to own. Strength training is the best exercise for weight loss and also for maintaining your body weight for the long haul.

'Cardio' activity can never boost metabolism to help you burn more calories round the clock, only toned muscle tissue can do this. Your muscle is what drives your fat burning machinery - your metabolism and just a few extra pounds of lean muscle which most people can achieve within six months or so will have you burning an extra 1000 or more calories each week. This is where you get weight loss from.

Mistake number two - Using too light a resistance. To tone up you need to give your body a challenge beyond its present capacity. Make sure the last few repetitions in each set are a little difficult to finish. It not, the weight is too light and you need to increase it.

Mistake number three - Not having a proper program. Often people go to the gym with little idea of what they are going to be doing that day. They end up doing a bit of this and a bit of that...and they are not focused on what they really need to be doing. Like a ship setting sail but not having a destination.

Best results are had when a training log is kept so you know what you did last time and you can try and better it this time. You are not just aimlessly going through the motions and you will keep more focused and in the end get better results.

Mistake number four - Expecting to see immediate results. It takes time to make changes to your body. The first month you are really only becoming familiar with the exercises, 2-3 months you will start seeing significant changes and 4-6 months and beyond the changes will be noticeable. The more consistent you are with your training the faster the results will be.

Do not be afraid to ask for help from an experienced trainer as they can fast track your learning curve as well as your results. Even a few paid sessions can push you further along and save you years of learning time and get you quicker results.

Do you want to discover the secret to rejuvenating your body, regaining lost vitality and improving the quality of your life? Download my free ebook "I've Found the Fountain of Youth - Let Me Show You Too!" http://www.over50looking30.com

Carolyn Hansen is a certified fitness expert and fitness center owner who in her nearly 30 years of fitness and bodybuilding competition experience she has helped thousands of people start their journey towards losing weight, becoming strong, fit and youthful at any age.

Sign up for her free newsletter on Weight Loss Tips http://FitnessWeightloss.com and get her free report "Discover 'Secrets' That Most People Will Never Know About To Really Lose Weight".

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Carolyn_Hansen

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