
Healthy Eating Menu

"Diet!" Alas, the word that sickens your stomach! "Diet", "Healthy" et al are such big turn offs! Who wants to follow a diet and be restricted from having just the thing that they love the most? Having to eat on time, having to eat just what you do not like. Tasteless, flavourless. It makes you want to throw things across the hall in frustration; especially the bowl that contains the food you so hate.

But do you realize? Following this diet could actually help you decrease the extra calories courtesy which, you have flab in all the wrong places? Do you know that a balanced diet could help you shed the extra calories and shape your body to perfection? Yes, it is hard work. But hey, what comes easy? Nothing! A little hard work is all that you have to do.

What's the first thing that you notice when you look at yourself in the mirror? Your pot belly? Your puffed up cheeks? Your double chin? Does it pain to look at yourself and your-out-of-shape body? Well, here's a way to get rid of it all! It's time you got what you deserved! A right physique! And our way does not include having to give up on your favourite food stuffs. Yes, no kidding! No more having to feel the squirm of your stomach when you pass your favourite eatery and resisting it. No pangs of guilt, fear and depression because of your increasing weight.

Whatever you like; spice, sweet, ice-cream, chocolate, there's always the low cal version of it. Designed just for those who have a tough time resisting them resulting in hazards to health. If you like your tea and coffee sweet but you have to drink it bland, there's the no cal version of sugar too. Same goes with those with a sweet tooth. Sweetness remains but no calories! Ain't that just what you want?

But this does not mean you can eat and eat. It is of no help if you do not follow a strict diet. A healthy balanced menu that promotes weight loss and weight control is a must. No eating anything and everything and anywhere you like. There has to be some control. Just what you eat is not enough. Eating on time and following a healthy diet menu is just as important. Start off your day with a fruit or a glass of fresh fruit juice.

If you are having milk, make sure it is fat free. For lunch you could have toast with low cal butter or say, peanut butter or just bread. Otherwise, you could have spinach and salad, an egg, mushrooms, vegetables, etc. For dinner, some chicken, a fruit and low fat yogurt would be perfect. Toss in a few vegetables too if they are to your liking. Keep it light. Keep it healthy.

Weight loss guaranteed!

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Tom_P._Dowling

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