
How I Lost 173 Pounds in 15 Months

Yes! As unbelievable as it may seem, back in September of 2005, I used to weigh 320 pounds. Fanatic of desserts and sugar, in all its forms, I used to eat them constantly. I used to be hungry in the morning, afternoon and evening which would push me to gorge myself with sweets. For breakfast, I would eat toasts with a fruit and coffee. For lunch, I would usually take a frozen lean dish or a salad with a fruit. For supper, my only real meal, I would have meat, vegetables, rice, pasta or potatoes. The rest of the time, I would snack on sugar, sugar and more sugar... and I always felt hungry.

In September of 2005, I started a diet program where I needed to calculate everything I ate. I was not able to stick to the rules and despite my efforts I barely lost half a pound or 1 pound a week. I was desperate and... I always felt hungry. One day, I met Mr. Stephane Ferreira who mentioned about his concept, a principle that left me skeptical.

Nonetheless, all changed when I started applying the concept. That is when I learned about the correlation between the energetic density of a certain food and the satiety that it produces. Obese that I was, I would have never imagined that I had to eat more in order to lose weight. With Stephane advice, I became aware that I was not eating enough to calm my appetite and because I always felt hungry, I would constantly snack on "junk food" and sweets, instead of eating healthy. The idea of losing weight, while eating until feeling full, was the most delightful idea. No other diet had approached this notion of satiety. In the contrary, they would sell the idea that, in order to lose weight, one must suffer from hunger. Most diets would claim that obesity is caused by excessive food consumption and that hunger is the punishment! You overate; you now have to shrink your stomach.

I started to follow the concept in April of 2006. In my case, the most difficult part was to believe in this theory and to eat more in order to lose weight. I did it, and even if my meals were more copious and more frequent, I started to lose weight. Since I started applying the concept, I lost 173 pounds in 15 months! This extraordinary diet allows me to eat until I feel full even though I have to keep an eye on my diet. As far as my weight, I am always able to reach my goals. I would have never imagined that one day there would be a diet that could give me such a satisfaction. To me, it is not a diet anymore but a lifestyle that I would follow for the rest of my life.

Follow my example and give yourself a second chance! If you are interest to see other testimonials like me click here: Weight loss

Weight loss, based on human biology [http://www.lose-weight-without-starving-yourself.com]

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Stephane_Ferreira

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